Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Entry of your choice

Anything that is related to novel ( Lord of Flies)

In Lord of Flies, it shows the disruption between the people for their greed and self-respectation. Because of their greed there was a conflict between Ralph and Jack. Jack wants to live in this island and rule over the boys. Long ago and still today, we are having war. We fight for our greed and self-respectation. In a one war, a thousand of people die and lost their one of family. We are all brothers and has to love each other. Philanthropy is need in this world. Today, president Bush started the Iraq war, because he wants to get a oil resource that is plentiful in Iraq. He wants to be rich, because of this, many people died and suffered by this. Also, Kim Jung Il, the North Korea's president wants to keep his power and rule over the people, because of his own greed. By this, many people suffers and the country doesn't develop. Also, Phillipin's president was a cheator, because they massed up their country by taking the money that is only used for the country. So the country doesn't develop and they are becoming poorer. And novel shows that there is no hope for human. Today, there are a lot of problem in environment. Today, an exorbitant number of trash is being thrown every day that pollutes the earth. And the global warming is one of major problem that will lead the human into death. There is no hope for human and later, there will be no place to live in earth, because human is weak and dolt.


Joan Kim said...

In my opinion, I felt this entry is like question 2, which asks to relate our current events to the story. There are wars and violence happening in the world everyday. You've mentioned Iraq war and president of North Korea, and several examples. I am impressed how you relate them to the theme of the story. But at the last part of the sentence, I don't think there is no hope for human in the future. Nobody knows what will happen to the future. There are some people who are trying to solve problems. I think everyone needs to help to release problem at least doing little things, so we could make the new world.
Overall, I think you did good job on writing blogging:)!

Michael Kim said...

I think you wrote very nice and clearly. I can not write my opinion with this, because I didn't read the "Lord of the Flies," so I think you have a deep thought with your book, and I think you wrote prtty well.

Steve Youngsang Doh said...

I like your thorough answer^^. The book I read is Fahrenheit 451, and this book talks a lot about today's society, too. In this novel, people don't understand the value of reading books. Instead, they are obsessed with large mass of entertainment, like TV and radio. As shown in Fahrenheit 451 and in the book you read, there are indeed many problems in our society; and hope we can find the solution!

Steve Youngsang Doh said...

I like your thorough answer^^. The book I read is Fahrenheit 451, and this book talks a lot about today's society, too. In this novel, people don't understand the value of reading books. Instead, they are obsessed with large mass of entertainment, like TV and radio. As shown in Fahrenheit 451 and in the book you read, there are indeed many problems in our society; and hope we can find the solution!

Grace ShinAe Lee said...

hmm...You pointed out the theme and the main point of this novel very well. However, I agree with Joan that I felt like I was reading the entry of Question 2. The current situation that you related to the novel about the president's selfishness is a very good example!:)