Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 2

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?
Yes, there are a lot of currnet situations in the world that relates to this novel. Today, the Communist leaders tries to keep their authority and powers. Kim Jung Il, North Korea's dictator who still follow the ideas of Marxism, to keep his power he can do everything for himself. Often in society, people divides into two groups and competition starts. They damages each other and tries to go up in most high place in government. Ralph and Jack divides in two groups. Jack tries to grow his power by killing others.
The book shows us that by the ship, Ralph survived. This novel can shed the light by outside rescue. To solve the problem, if inside resolving is not possible then outside resolving will be possible. In North Korea's case, to stop the communism in North Korea, one of Kim Jung Il's followers has to betray him and assasinate him. But in novel, William Golding was saying that the ship that rescued the kids were a war ship that will go to the bigger war that the kids had. In Willam Golding point of view is that there is no hope for us. There is no way.

1 comment:

Apple said...

Yo, man, ~my savior, this is Eric Lee who's called Apple

I really like your idea about comparing the story to the world evil spirit, Kim Jung Il. The dictatorship and eagerness toward power are well shown in your paragraph, man~.
Your main idea is well shown, and i absolutely agree with you

It's really good to read, savior~