Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 1

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this novel that Wiliam Golding is withought unity in people, the nation, country everythings will collasps. The society that the kids shows us is that they are already looking and desire for the authority. (Disruption) Ralph and Jack split in two groups and live diffrently. This island became hell, by disruption for authority. We have to know what is right or not and to follow the right leader to lead us from the dilemma. Even though they are child they fight for authority and for their greed. If we love our country and wants to develop into the most powerful country under the sky, we (nation's) need to union our heart and support each other. If you get blind by authority and fight each other, the country and nations , everything collasps.

This author also taught me that don't be greedy and try to ruin another people's life. Always, cooperate each other and even though you really hate someone, you should understand and love them. In front of authority, almost every people collasps, but one who can give up everything for their people, is the best leader. If I graduate from collage and get a job, I will not ruin other people's life to be high in the job.

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