Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fahrenheit 451 Entry of your choice

Entry of your choice

In today's world, what is the most current situation that is extremely~ similar to this novel? The most current situations that are extremely~ similar to this novel are North Korea's dictatorship that is happening today. President Kim Jung Il is taking control of everything, he controls the amount of money and food for the people in North Korea. Many North Koreans are starving to death and their economy is extremely poor. Because of North Korean's dictatorship, many people are starving to death and cry for help. When we compare between South Korea and North Korea today, the economy is extremely compared. North Korea is like a 1970's of old Korea, but South Korea is way developed compare to the North Korea. It shows that Communist is wrong and starves people to death. In this novel of government is extremely similar to Communist today. They control every thing and even they control the way people think and live. If the Communist won every war and controlled the whole world, maybe the world become like Fahrenheit 451, because it is very similar what they are doing. Today, they controlled the amount of money and their food, but later like Fahrenheit 451 they will control the way people think and live. It will be extremely awful, Communist's ideas are kind of seem to right, but in realities it never works. The government kills people and starves, and pains them to reach their own goal. They are not even God; there is no right to control the human by themselves. And If there is a Guy Montag in the North Korea, he will be demagogue to stop the Communist rule.

I enjoyed reading this book I hope Mrs. Lavender will give me a better grade ^^

Fahrenheit 451 Q7

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

There are no settings in this novel which I have found to be beautiful, because this novel tells the darkness of the world.

The most memorable that disturbed I a lot is that when the old woman burned to death a live. People who realize the truth by reading the book became extremely gloomy like Clarisse did. Because there is no way to solve the problem and they lost their hope. They thought there is no purpose of living in this land, they thought they are already dead, not the place the human has to live. They knew that people are begun to degenerate and regretted that they cannot do anything to change the people. Old woman's death was awakening giant that awaken Guy Montag. He was extremely shocked and thought why they are so concerned about the book and why people are just burn to death with their book. Because of this moment, Montag began to realize the truth and start to read book. These setting are very important, because of old woman's death, Montag began to read book and later realize the truth and taught by many people.

Also when Guy Montag meets Clarisse she asked to Guy Montag that are you happy to burn the book? This also made him kind of curious, because he never thinks deeply and enjoyed his job. Because of this, he wanted to meet the girl again and began to learn things that he never knew about. This setting is important, because Clarisse is the first human who awaken Guy Montag the fireman little bit. If she was not existed, he will have little problem burning the old woman to death with books.

Fahrenheit 451 Q6

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please trype it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

How do you get so empty? he wondered. Who takes it out of you? And that awful flower the other day, the dandelion! It had summed up everything hadn't it? What a shame! You're not in love with anyone!" And why not?

This quote reveals that the emptiness of relationships between Guy Montag and Mildred. This made my feeling very sad, because when the boy and the girl love each other they get married but in this novel they didn't even care about each other and only think about themselves. It is so sad that the government even controlled people to not to love each other. In my opinion, the government is so fool or physco because they enshrouded the whole truth like love, enjoying, friendship, and caring. Maybe the government is so stupid or worried that they cannot even express their feeling to each other. If I was in this situation and realize the truth I would rather kill one of government's and commit suicide for the future and the all of the people. The place that government is taking control is where no place to live for human. It destructs the human knowledge and basic senses that they had. Government is destructing slowly and it's like committing suicide. Because of government's deep attachment people are began to degenerate and began to become like monkeys in the jungle.

"Are you happy?"

Also this quote reveals that the Clarisse is the first teacher of Guy Montag. When Guy Montag heard about this quote, he thinks deeply about it and began to realize small things like happiness and love. Through her teaching he realizes that he is not in love with anyone and also his wife doesn’t love him.
Clarisse knew the truth, how the world has turned into. She was so depressed and lost her hope long ago.

Fahrenheit 451 Q5

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of this novel is very sad and angry, because the novel tells that the people are being controlled by government's diabolical plan that leads to no developing country. In the beginning, Guy Montag was a fireman who pleasured his job and enjoyed burning the books. When he watches the fire consuming the papers, he felt good, but when he met the seventeen years old girl who is Clarisse and began to realize the truth that how wrong the government is. He began to get interested in Clarisse's teaching and wanted to learn a new thing that you didn't know about. Guy Montag enjoyed talking with Clarisse, but when she was vanished he felt sad and strange. When he heard that Clarisse was killed by speeding car, he was angry and began to realize that he had to stop what the government is doing. In the beginning, Mildred took sleeping pills to commit suicide; this made him very confusing, because she said she didn't take the sleeping pills.

This novel contains many feeling like anger, wailing and saddens. He was sad that he can't do many things that can help people from against the government. He wanted to save the literature and wanted people to know the truth, but there is no way to spread his ideas to people. But later he met Granger who is a leader of memorizing the book or literature. And he found that there is a hope to reconstruct the world against the government. And realize that government will lose a war, because of no development of the country. And also described the book lovers deep anger toward the government, they know the truth and want to reveal to the people, but the government fears about the truth and wanted people to be stupid by watching television, no competition.

Fahrenheit 451 Q4

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

In my opinion, the climax of this novel is when Mildred report to the government that her husband Guy Montag had done illegal things and being against the government. Because Guy Montag didn't know that his wife is really going to betray him. He seems to predict that his wife is in government side, but didn't know that his wife is going to betray him. Mildred ran way from her house.
And the Beatty comes and told Guy Montag to burn his house in front of him. And then warns him that if he ran away the mechanical hound, it will catch you. So Guy Montag burn his house with fire thrower into ashes by himself and then Beatty tried to arrest him and realized that he was listening to someone. Beatty realizes that it is the radio, so he was trying to find who Montag was taking to. It was Faber. But Guy Montag burned him into ashes with fire thrower. This kind of event makes me feel sad, because the Montag's life is like a hell.
His wife's betraying event that made him shock and trying to commit suicide made really sad for me, because if I was him I would be so desperate. Clarrie's unexpected death shocks him also. He wanted to learn and talk about the new things that he didn’t knew about. And murdering of Beatty made me sad, because he didn’t do anything wrong. He just followed the government because he was afraid of government. This makes them really sad. It shows that the society is began to collapsed.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fahrenheit 451 Q3

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters of this novel are Guy Montag, Professor Faber, Mildred, and Beatty.

Guy Montag is a protagonist, he knows what is right and wrong he moves for the truth instead of working for bad side, the government. This story is almost concentrated on his story. He is a fireman who works for government to burn the book, but when he was working, he realizes the truth when he and his fire friend burn the woman to death. Also, in the beginning he got taught by Clarrsie who is 17 years old. He doesn't know what he has to do to save the book. He is in chaos. I like Guy Montag, because he knows what the truth is and he is the one who is working hard to reach his goal.

Also, Mildred is main character too, because she is a wife of Guy Montag. She symbolize many ways like committing suicide by taking a sleeping pills. She is kind of strange, because she is the one who took sleeping pills, but she tells his husband that I am not that kind of woman to commit suicide. She is confusing and doesn't know what she have to do, so she watches television everyday and trying to be happy, but it's not true, because she's not happy. By trying to committing suicide it shows that Mildred is NOT HAPPY. And later she betrays her husband and report to the government that her husband is doing illegal thing against the government. She doesn't know how to love and she is the one who is totally controlled by government. I don't like Mildred, because she is kind of physco and doesn't know how to love his husband. She chooses to be with government instead of her husband.

Professor Faber is a English Professor who is very old. He helps Guy Montag in many ways like teaching English and the truth of the book. He is the real teacher who helps Montag to go to right way and live. I like him, because he is like a father.

Beatty is a captain of fireman. In the beginning he seems like villains, but he is not. He is the one who is most sorrowful and knows about the truth of the book. He knows everything about the book, but he decides to be quiet and obey the government, because if he be against the government, there is no way to defeat the government and thought he is going to die. I do not hate him, but I feel pity toward him.

The universal Experience The main characters symbolize that human is not perfect. The novel shows that each character have problem. Like Mildred, she has many problems like taking a pill not loving his husband. Some humans who cannot adopt to the society they commit suicide.

Fahrenheit 451 Q2

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or fixed"?

1) Yes, there are current situations in the world that relates to Fahrenheit 451. In this novel, book tells that the book is illegal to read, so people are messing up and lost their one of senses that is really needed for human like loving one another and caring each other. Government didn't allow the people to read book and use fireman to burn the book. The government didn't want go deep about the truth about the world and the literature, and was afraid that they will realize the new things and how wrong they are. People spent time instead of reading book and spend their whole life watching TV. In Korea, Television is being called a foolish box that makes human stupid. In reality, children’s are spending most of their time in computer games and watching television instead of exercising or playing sports with their friends. Some of the adults failed their life, because of computer games. Computer games and watching television makes you feel good, but happiness is only existed when you do it like a drug. If you work diligently for your future, you will success and your family will be happy about it. There is a Korean phrases that is very significant for me. "If you don't walk today, you should run tomorrow.

2.) Does the novel shed any light? or can be fixed?

The novel shed the light by telling to read the book. If people read their book all the problem will be fixed and realize the truth that how wrong the government is. Guy Montag realizes the truth that the book is their savior, and realizes that it's wrong to burn the book.

Fahrenheit 451 Q1

What is the mjaor theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this novel is that the importance of book that teaches us in many ways and to show how fool the government is. The novel tells you that how world is being collapsed and destructed by government’s foolish mistakes like not allowing the book and the literature. Government made people stupid by watching the TV program. They don't love each other, no worries, they are just living like toy of the government. Government is telling people the reason they burn is do reduce your stress and fear. The truth is that the government is afraid of the real truth that has been sealed in the book. The book teaches us in thousands ways . They teach every subject and tells people the truth of the world. The book is the stack of paper that has been written by author's effort and his deep thought about the world or environment. Today, people in the world use the book to learn. Even the adults use the book to learn and develop the new things that people don't know about. If the animals left their bone when they die, human left their written work, book, clock that is the remains of their whole life. The novel tells you that with ought to book, you cannot learn anything, but when you start it you learn many things that we didn't know. People in this novel live with ought their freedom and not enjoying the beauties of environment. They just consumed by TV and live an awful life. The book tells you that when their husband die from the war, they don't cry and they don't even care, because they can marry again with other man, it shows that with ought book and by government's dictate people don't know how to love each other and have their freedom. Government made them not to think, but people are the major problem, because they don't even try to think deeply. And it shows that the world didn't develop as much as the past. Not learning literature or reading the book, human cannot learn very much.
The theme of this novel is extremely important to teenagers, because today, many teenagers are consumed by TV, video games, and computer games. They just watch TV with ought to thinking, they just consumed by stupid box (Television). There are many people who play computer games instead of reading novels, because its fun and they don't want to think about it. The results of these shows in academic or way people behave to their parent or to peers. Teenagers have to read book or exercise instead of play computer games or watching TV.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Entry of your choice

Anything that is related to novel ( Lord of Flies)

In Lord of Flies, it shows the disruption between the people for their greed and self-respectation. Because of their greed there was a conflict between Ralph and Jack. Jack wants to live in this island and rule over the boys. Long ago and still today, we are having war. We fight for our greed and self-respectation. In a one war, a thousand of people die and lost their one of family. We are all brothers and has to love each other. Philanthropy is need in this world. Today, president Bush started the Iraq war, because he wants to get a oil resource that is plentiful in Iraq. He wants to be rich, because of this, many people died and suffered by this. Also, Kim Jung Il, the North Korea's president wants to keep his power and rule over the people, because of his own greed. By this, many people suffers and the country doesn't develop. Also, Phillipin's president was a cheator, because they massed up their country by taking the money that is only used for the country. So the country doesn't develop and they are becoming poorer. And novel shows that there is no hope for human. Today, there are a lot of problem in environment. Today, an exorbitant number of trash is being thrown every day that pollutes the earth. And the global warming is one of major problem that will lead the human into death. There is no hope for human and later, there will be no place to live in earth, because human is weak and dolt.

Question 7

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or distrubing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

No it was distrubing for me, because the quote says, " All round him the long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat. He was clambering heavily among the creepers and broken trunks when a bird, a vision of red and yellow, flashed upwards with a witch-like cry; and this cry was ecgied by another"
Because it tells us that the boys were damaged and had a scar that hurt them terribly. And the warm heat and the sun disturbed him cruelly make them irritated. This settings and comment shows that the boys will be hurt and ripped apart. They will kill and damage each other. The sun and the warm heat describes the beast (fear) that disturbed and irritated them so much that they became a phsyco and killed their friend. The scar describes the disruption between the boys and predict that they will hurt each other and become the beast. Also, the novel reaveals that the world is like this, they kill each other even though they are same race. For example, in Africa they kill each other and still having a war.

Question 6

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages? What's grownups going to think? Going off -hunting pigs- letting fires out - and now!"

This passage is very meaningful to me, because it shows us that the boys are becoming nefarious beast. The boys are becoming a physco. The passage shows that some of the boys loose their manner. Jack wants to be a leader of the boys, it shows us that the Jack is already looking for the political power. By this diabolical thought, there was a disruption between their relationship and divided into two groups. Jack give a malignant influence to the boys about the killing and way they behave. There is a right force that seek for right. Ralph's group fought back and told them to think and look back of yourself. This situation was extremely invidious for Ralph. He wants to get out of this island, but crazy boys doesn' t listen to him and try to adopt in this island. It was shame to Ralph, because he was being on charge of taking care of the boys, he was the chief. Piggy and Ralph is kind of grownups in this novel, they know what is right or wrong. They belived that there is hope to get out, but Jack's group didn't.

Question 5

what is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

It's kind of vacilate to me, because in the beggining of the story, boys were confused, as they got together they were fine and cooperated. In the beggining, their mood was so-so. When there was disruption between them, Ralph's groups mood was kind of stuffy. And Jack's groups mood was stimulated, wild. I can find the saddness of this novel by Simon's death. The diabolical boy killed Simon and they become the beast. The mendacious boys trying to enshoud their mistakes, but they know what they have done. Living in this island alone withought adult were exorbitant for them. The boys became a psycho, because of their fearnesss. It is sad that there is no one who is old and intelligent to lead the boys into the right way.

Question 4

What is the cliamx of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

In my opinion, climax is that when the kids become the beast, they circled the Simon and killed him. This events made me sick, because the real beast were kids. Simon revealed the truth and trying to tell kids that the beast is not exist just imagination,but the kids killed the real truth and became uncontrollable. I was shocked when Mrs.Lavender told us the truth. "There is no way, and no hope for humanism. I think the author tried to tell our evilness through this book.

Question 3

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

I think the main characters are Ralph, Piggy, and Jack. They are the oldest, strongest, and highest among the other boys. Ralph is a cheif, Piggy is tactician, and Jack is the hunter. I like Ralph and Piggy, because they know what they have to do to survive and get out of the island. Ralph will be greatest cheif among other boys, because he delivers the boys right. Piggy is kind and knows what is wrong. He tries to deliver other boys to survive in this island, but everyone ignores him. He tries to act like adults. Also, withought Piggy's glass thing, they cannot light the fire to signal to the ship. I think Ralph and Piggy is the only boys who think. Their personalities reveals us that there is competition between people. People always break up in other groups and fight each others. Always the right one and bad one fights. Today, people's ear and eyes were closed and doesn't find out that which group is the right one.

Question 2

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?
Yes, there are a lot of currnet situations in the world that relates to this novel. Today, the Communist leaders tries to keep their authority and powers. Kim Jung Il, North Korea's dictator who still follow the ideas of Marxism, to keep his power he can do everything for himself. Often in society, people divides into two groups and competition starts. They damages each other and tries to go up in most high place in government. Ralph and Jack divides in two groups. Jack tries to grow his power by killing others.
The book shows us that by the ship, Ralph survived. This novel can shed the light by outside rescue. To solve the problem, if inside resolving is not possible then outside resolving will be possible. In North Korea's case, to stop the communism in North Korea, one of Kim Jung Il's followers has to betray him and assasinate him. But in novel, William Golding was saying that the ship that rescued the kids were a war ship that will go to the bigger war that the kids had. In Willam Golding point of view is that there is no hope for us. There is no way.

Question 1

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this novel that Wiliam Golding is withought unity in people, the nation, country everythings will collasps. The society that the kids shows us is that they are already looking and desire for the authority. (Disruption) Ralph and Jack split in two groups and live diffrently. This island became hell, by disruption for authority. We have to know what is right or not and to follow the right leader to lead us from the dilemma. Even though they are child they fight for authority and for their greed. If we love our country and wants to develop into the most powerful country under the sky, we (nation's) need to union our heart and support each other. If you get blind by authority and fight each other, the country and nations , everything collasps.

This author also taught me that don't be greedy and try to ruin another people's life. Always, cooperate each other and even though you really hate someone, you should understand and love them. In front of authority, almost every people collasps, but one who can give up everything for their people, is the best leader. If I graduate from collage and get a job, I will not ruin other people's life to be high in the job.