Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fahrenheit 451 Q3

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters of this novel are Guy Montag, Professor Faber, Mildred, and Beatty.

Guy Montag is a protagonist, he knows what is right and wrong he moves for the truth instead of working for bad side, the government. This story is almost concentrated on his story. He is a fireman who works for government to burn the book, but when he was working, he realizes the truth when he and his fire friend burn the woman to death. Also, in the beginning he got taught by Clarrsie who is 17 years old. He doesn't know what he has to do to save the book. He is in chaos. I like Guy Montag, because he knows what the truth is and he is the one who is working hard to reach his goal.

Also, Mildred is main character too, because she is a wife of Guy Montag. She symbolize many ways like committing suicide by taking a sleeping pills. She is kind of strange, because she is the one who took sleeping pills, but she tells his husband that I am not that kind of woman to commit suicide. She is confusing and doesn't know what she have to do, so she watches television everyday and trying to be happy, but it's not true, because she's not happy. By trying to committing suicide it shows that Mildred is NOT HAPPY. And later she betrays her husband and report to the government that her husband is doing illegal thing against the government. She doesn't know how to love and she is the one who is totally controlled by government. I don't like Mildred, because she is kind of physco and doesn't know how to love his husband. She chooses to be with government instead of her husband.

Professor Faber is a English Professor who is very old. He helps Guy Montag in many ways like teaching English and the truth of the book. He is the real teacher who helps Montag to go to right way and live. I like him, because he is like a father.

Beatty is a captain of fireman. In the beginning he seems like villains, but he is not. He is the one who is most sorrowful and knows about the truth of the book. He knows everything about the book, but he decides to be quiet and obey the government, because if he be against the government, there is no way to defeat the government and thought he is going to die. I do not hate him, but I feel pity toward him.

The universal Experience The main characters symbolize that human is not perfect. The novel shows that each character have problem. Like Mildred, she has many problems like taking a pill not loving his husband. Some humans who cannot adopt to the society they commit suicide.

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